The Bethany Horsemen, Inc
Bethany Horsemen Rules of Riding
The Bethany Horsemen trail system encompasses both private landowner properties and the Regional Water Authority (RWA) tract surrounding Lake Chamberlain. Every member is personally bound to ride safely and safeguard the property on which membership allows them to ride. Members are expected to conduct themselves on horseback according to the Rules of Riding as well as the Bylaws of the organization.
Because Lake Chamberlain is part of the water supply for New Haven County, there are areas that are strictly off limits to horses due to their proximity to the water. The RWA has other rules such as no dogs allowed on the lake road, no smoking or hunting on RWA lands, etc. These are printed on the back of the trail map given to all Bethany Horsemen members. There are daily patrols conducted by the RWA to ensure that recreation users are in compliance. The Bethany Horsemen have served as a patrol group since the 1960's to assist in keeping this beautiful area open to equestrians.

No horses allowed on Boat Ramp
Causeway. Please remove manure
The road that goes across the dam is off limits to horses.

The RWA closes all equestrian trails from March 1 - April 15 for Mud Season. This practice prevents erosion and allows the ground to rest. All trails on private lands adjacent to Lake Chamberlain are also closed. Annual permits are distributed right before the trails reopen. Membership forms can be found on this website.